The company's main products include not only Changshan Beiming self-produced yarn and grey fabric, but also functional fabrics such as leisure elastic fabrics, work clothes fabrics, medical care fabrics, military fabrics, high count and high density, new fiber home textile fabrics, clothing and home textiles, and various other products.
Products involved cotton, linen, polyamide, aramid, polypropylene, polyester, viscose, rayon, bamboo, tencel, modal and blended yarns
Product includes functional and comfortable fabrics, functional fabric for garments
Special function: lnfra red Resistance, anti-ultraviolet, water repellence,oil repellence,soil release.hame retardant, radiation resist, anti-mmosquito, bacteristatic, chlorine bleaching resistance, moistureabsorption and sweat discharge ,acid-proof,etc.
Products covered hometextile fabric、Hometextile Bedding Sets and hotel bedding products.
Shijiazhuang Changshan Beiming Technology Co., Ltd. Ltd. waard oprjochte sûnt desimber 1998. Nei 60 jier ûnderfining yn tekstyl yndustry, Changshan hat sterke foardiel yn R & D, Untwerp en Manufacturing foar tekstyl. Oant no ta hat tekstylbedriuw fan Chagnshan twa produksjebases mei meiwurkers fan 5,054, en beslacht in oerflak fan 1,400,000 kante meter. It tekstylbedriuw foarsjoen fan 450.000 spindels, en 1.000 luchtstraalweefgetouwen (omfetsje 40 sets jacquardweefgetouwen). It hûs testlaboratoarium fan Changshan waard kwalifisearre troch de regearingsôfdieling fan it Ministearje fan Wittenskip en Technology fan Sina, Algemiene administraasje fan Sina Douane, Kommisje foar Nasjonale Untwikkeling en Herfoarming, en Sina Nasjonale akkreditaasjetsjinst foar beoardieling fan konformiteit.
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